
Host Clustering. Guest Clustering. About Blades and Clustering, File Share Majority and fail.

I have host clustering with guest clustering.
Host clustering with Windows Server 2008 R2 and CSV (Cluster Shared Volumes).
I have guest clustering (a file cluster an a SQL 08 cluster).
I have 2 blade chassis
The cluster has 3 nodes. Why?
The Node 1 and Node 2 are in the first Chassis
The Node 3 is in the second Chassi.
Everybody says that the chassis never fails. But I dont know. Maybe !!!!! ;-)

When I installed the therd node, the wizard advise me about the quorum disk,
Wich option is the best?
Well, Althoug No Majority disk is a bad option in the wizard, in my lab is the best option.
I shutdown The node 1 and node 2 (that is, the first chassis is down), and I can continue working with the Node 3 in the chassis 2.
I try to test other options, and I cant setup the cluster because I have 2 nodes out.

Virtual Machine Manager 08 R2. Things about

I have a VMM08 and I installed VMM08 R2 to test it.
I have Hyper-V, Hyper-V R2 and Virtual SErver.
I liked VMM08 R2 because, I upgraded the VMM agent and the windows server 2008 or R2 dont reboot. So I can upgrade without problems.

This picture shows a R2 Cluster with CSV, and some Host alone.

The agent upgrade was very well in Windows Server 2008 and R2.

I have a virtual server 2005. Yes I have one already.
The agent upgrade gave me a problem.
I need to reset the process. The second upgrade was well.



Windows 2008 Cluster. Blade, HA and so on

I have a discussion
I have 2 chassis blade.
The main chassi has a Hyper-V R2 Cluster. I have a SQL08 Cluster in VM.
In the second chassis, I installed a Node3.
If the first chassis fail, I have another chassis with one node.
But , he we are the problem
I have Node and File Share Witness for the cluster.
I have a notice about the cofiguration when I introduced the Node 3.
WICH is the best option?
The first option is not enough. If the first chassis is down. I only have the Node 3.
The last option is a solution, but It is not recommended.
Did Microsoft think in this problem?
I have VM for the cluster, but the Quorum options are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!