SQL 2008 Cluster. NET Framework 3.5 error
I am installing SQL 2008 in Host Clustering and Guest Clustering
See: http://santospardos.blogspot.com/2009/01/hyper-v-performance-cluster-hyper-v_08.html
My first fall when I starting to work:
Error: SQL Server 2008 Setup requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to be installed.
If the W2K8 is clean (nothing installed), the SQL wizard runs well.
My server belongs a lab environment. The server has many things installed.
I tried to install NET Framework 3.5 SP1 with the installer downloaded from Microsoft Website.
I have NET framework 3.5 in the server and I have the same error. (see picture
I installed everything from the DVD bye my self.
DVD:\x64\redist\Windows Installer\x64\INSTMSI45
Mount ISO for Windows 2008 x64.
Reboot Host Machine and Reboot Virtual Machines.
We have 9 VM in our lab. The SW2K8LABDC01 is the DC for de LAB domain.
The host machine is a server in this domain.
I reboot SW2K8LAB01 and the Hyper-V left the VMs same before the reboot.
Windows 2008 R2 Beta and Windows 7 Beta
I was working and I have just read the post.
We can download from MSDN and Technet these products.
I start to download to test them. Yes, I am know, I am early adopter ;-).
I hope, The Windows 2008 R2 Beta has all new options.
More information:
I will test Windows 7 with my HP Tablet PC.
It will be faster, touch(able) by hand, more performance, battery efficiency...
Windows 2008 SP2 Beta, 2 errors.
I installed SP2 Beta in a W2008.
I installed it through TS, and I lost control.
I need to change the IP to DHCP and IP Static again to get IP control.
I lost my three iSCSI SAN connections. I need to Refresh and to connect again the LUNs.
I hope, it will be the SP2 beta.
Otherwise, to set up SP2 in the Windows 2008 in production, it will be a nightmare.
Hyper-V Performance, Hyper-V Cluster , Virtual Cluster and Iometer
I like this spanish post:
This post speak about Host Clustering and Guest Clustering with Microsoft Hyper-V and Windows 2008.
I did a firts test with Iometer to test disk performance with the Equallogic iSCSI V.2.
I disable DEP for Iometer.
I configured iSCSI options in the Equallogic iSCSI SAN and the Windows 2008 .
I started the lab with 1 DC, and 2 servers in Hyper-V.
I configured iSCSI options in the VM server. The configuration is the same. In this virtual machine I configured only one LUN.
The iSCIS performance is very similar with the host machine and the Hyper-V machine.
The idea is to set up a lab with Exchange 2007. One lab with physical machines. Another with virtual (Hyper-V) machines.
In this lab , I will run LoadGen (Exchange Stress Tool).
Many people ask me about Thingamajig.
"Most things in life fit into categories. But sometimes you come across something that doesn't quite fit into any one category. You don't know what to call it. It's a thingamajig"
SCDPM 2007 SP1 and Hyper-V
We did have time to probe this yet.
SCDPM 2007 saves Hyper-V VM.
I hope so.
I will explain my knowledge. Next week, we will move our SCDPM 2007 tp SCDPM 2007 SP1.
IIR y Congreso de Virtualización y Consolidación.
IIR España está organizando un Congreso Virtualización y Consolidación 2009 que tendrá lugar en Madrid los días 22 y 23 de Abril de 2009.
Me han invitado a realizar una mesa redonda con otros compañeros para contar nuestra experiencia con Hyper-V.
Me imagino que Microsoft (no he hablado con nadie de ellos) irán como fabricante y en este caso yo mismo por parte de mi empresa CARTV (www.cartv.es) para contar nuestra experiencia.
Gracias por la invitación a:
Ana María García
SCVMM08 Needs Attention.
We have 29 VM in our company. 20 of them with Hyper-V and 7 of them in Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.
We will move all them to hyper-v next month.
You can see the hosts. All have an attention icon.
I have read this article in David Cervigon´s Blog:
I will install the 2 Q to solve the problem
Hyper-V QFE (KB956589)
BITS QFE (KB956774)
App-V : Autocad, Office 12, OmniPage, iNews
We are testing App-v.
We have the sequencer server in a Hyper-V machine.
We are testing..
This is my Application Client with the applications.
Autocad LT 2007: Not good. I need to speak with Autodesk. I have a problem with the key.
Office 12: Not too bad. Althoug I need to copy some files from de sequencer to the client.
Ominipage 15 : Everything goes well.
iNews (TV application): Everything goes well.
I am learning more about App-V. I will publish my new tests.
App-V in Hyper-V. Service error.
Trend micro Virtual Appliance in Hyper-V
We are looling for a Web filtering and an antivirus in the DMZ.
We have Fortigate, and we are testing, PineApp, FinJan, WebSense, Ironport, and so on.
Trendmicro gave us a Trend micro virtual appliance (with Red Hat).
We don´t have VMWare.
The Tred micro consultant did know Hyper-V.
We installed the Trend micro virtual appliance with Hyper-v.
The VA runs very well:
In this picture, The Fedora9Nagios is the Trend micro VA. Before we had a nagios ;-)
Trend Micro Consultant tell me to speak with USA to explain our test. ;-) Will it be true?
? to my email. ;-)
Hyper-V, DC Virtual Machine, Windows Time Sevice (Win32Time), Regedit
We have 29 VM.
All DC (3) are VM.
Is these a good idea?
We have problems with the windows time.
Our 1DC is the PDC. But it is a VM, so, sometimes we had a bad hour.
It depends on the BIOS host machine.
We change the regedit in the host machine .
We follow this link:
We solved the windows time service error in the Virtual Machine Domain Controller. (DC VM)