
Merry Xmas


A colleague sent me this picture from a Spanish company.

It is a xmas card from the WARP spanihs company. (IT company).

Thanks Nacho for sending me the xmas card, ;-) ;-)

Note: The formula is the greetings card.

WmiPrvSE memory leak. The computer 'localhost' failed to perform the requested operation because it is out of memory or disk space


The computer 'localhost' failed to perform the requested operation because it is out of memory or disk space.

I got these error.
The disk had 75 % free space.
So, the memory is the problem
I killed the WmiPrvSE. The processes had 700.000k.
After, I killed it, everything goes well and the processe started again with 6.000k.
The hyper-v manager started to work without problem.

You can solve the problem restarting the server of course. But the server was in a enviroment production.
